
Von Rundstedt has already guided 500 executive board members, managing directors and senior executives towards the next step in their career path. In doing so, we’ve gathered considerable knowledge of people and markets. Read here about what’s important to top managers who want to move ahead.

Top Manager Blog

Rente mit 55: Sollte es eine Altersgrenze für Top-Executives geben?

(available in German only)

Jüngere Bewerber haben auf dem Arbeitsmarkt grundsätzlich bessere Chancen als ältere – aber sollte das Alter wirklich eine so große Rolle spielen? Und welchen Wert hat eigentlich die Erfahrung eines älteren Topmanagers, etwa in Krisensituationen?

Top Manager Blog

Führung ist Kunst

(available in German only)

Was unterscheidet gute Führung von „Fassadenmanagement“? Unternehmensführung ist mehr als das Delegieren von Aufgaben, es ist eine komplexe, vielschichtige Aufgabe, die nicht von allen Topmanagern gleichermaßen beherrscht wird. Ein guter Leader zu sein bedeutet auch, ein guter Zuhörer zu sein.

What happens when top managers lose their jobs?

The phases of a career transition

Our study Trouble in the Fast Lane paints a detailed picture of what senior executives go through during unwanted periods of transition. It helps people in management positions to recognise critical career situations at an early stage and gives practical tips to those who have lost their jobs. The study, the only one of its kind in Germany, was supervised by Sebastian Debnar-Daumler of the HPO Research Group.

Our whitepaper provides specific information and advice that will guide you in practice and show you how to solve your career transition problems.


Top managers during career transitions

A comparison of these periods of profound transition reveals a number of things in common. Like thunderstorms, they have different phases. Managers, like mountain hikers, are usually taken by surprise when the storm hits. They must take a long and difficult route before finding their way back into the sunlight.


Mosaic careers

(available in German only)

What makes successful people tick? To find the answer to this question, we asked some 30 managers, businesspeople, self-employed professionals and creative workers to talk about their lives: What shaped them, what were the key events in their careers, what were the biggest hurdles, and how did they overcome them? These detailed interviews gave us a deeper understanding of their world and how they think.

Download a free excerpt from our new e-book, Mosaic careers – New Opportunities for Shaping Careers and Challenges for Managers.

Top manager blog

How to launch a career

At our experts write about career transitions for top managers and discuss topics relating to leadership. You’ll also find practical tips on how to expand and activate your network.